Integration: Azure Translate Node

TranslateAnswer and TranslateQuery Nodes that use the Azure Translate endpoint

recrudesce (Russ)

Include in your pipeline as follows:

git clone the repo somewhere, change to the directory, then pip install '.'

Include in your pipeline as follows:

from haystack_translate_node import TranslateAnswer, TranslateQuery

translate_query = TranslateQuery(api_key="<yourapikey>", location="<yourazureregion>", azure_translate_endpoint="<yourazureendpoint>", base_lang="en")
translate_answer = TranslateAnswer(api_key="<yourapikey>", location="<yourazureregion>", azure_translate_endpoint="<yourazureendpoint>", base_lang="en")

pipel = Pipeline()
pipel.add_node(component=translate_query, name="TranslateQuery", inputs=["Query"])
pipel.add_node(component=retriever, name="Retriever", inputs=["TranslateQuery"])
pipel.add_node(component=prompt_node, name="prompt_node", inputs=["Retriever"])
pipel.add_node(component=translate_answer, name="TranslateAnswer", inputs=["prompt_node"])

location, azure_translate_endpoint, and base_lang are optional, and will default to uksouth,, and en respectively.

TranslateQuery will determine the language of the query, and assign it to the in_lang JSON value.

TranslateQuery will take the original query, in any language, and assign it to the in_query JSON value.

TranslateQuery will overwrite the original query JSON value with the translated English value

You can then query your base_lang corpus using the query value as normal using a standard Haystack Retriever node, which will place your results in results.

TranslateAnswer translate the base_lang result stored in results back to the language stored in in_lang and subsequently store it in the out_answer JSON value.